Life After Surgery: 3 Ways to Tighten Loose Skin

January 5, 2016
Office of Dr. Steven Fass

Austin Weight Loss Doctor Tighten Loose Skin

One of the most common questions we receive from patients is, ‘How do I get rid of loose skin after I lose weight?’ It feels good to lose weight after surgery, but sometimes, if you lose a lot of weight or if you lose weight quickly, you are left with loose skin that can be unsightly or uncomfortable. Many times, skin removal surgery is not an option, so natural remedies come into play. While each individual case is different, there are some tips and techniques that we can give you to help tighten that loose skin.

  1. Diet – Make sure you are eating foods that encourage the production of elastin and collagen in your body. This will ensure that your skin is getting the nutrients it needs to repair itself. Some examples of these foods are, citrus fruits, broccoli, and bell peppers.
  2. Massage – Massage is a great way to activate elastin which will cause your skin to tighten. Some ways you can do this are rub your skin as you are losing weight, get a professional deep tissue massage, or use a dry brush on your skin.
  3. Moisturize – By moisturizing your skin daily while losing weight, you can encourage your skin to tighten. You can use salt scrubs, vitamin E oil, almond oil, lavender essential oil, or castor oil.

An extra tip is to always stay hydrated. Healthy skin is hydrated skin! By drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, your skin will glow and it will tighten up over time.

Remember, losing weight is a process and it will take determination and consistency to get to your goal, including how your skin looks. Stay determined and consistent with what you do, and you will tighten your loose skin.

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